Cliff Redus

DR. CLIFF REDUS is an independent petroleum engineering consultant who specializes in production system optimization and subsea flow assurance. Prior to starting his consulting business, he was an Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa. He has 35 years of petroleum industry experience, both in production research and field operations in the area of multiphase flow. His primary areas of interest are multiphase flow in well bores, flow lines and production equipment, multiphase meters and pumps, computational fluid mechanics, advance separation technology and paraffin and hydrate deposition in production flow lines and wells. He was in a supervisory capacity in production related industrial research for the last 10 years with Texaco's Upstream Technology Department in Houston Texas, with the last four years as Director of Texaco's live oil multiphase flows loop in Humble Texas. At Tulsa University, he was actively engaged in teaching, research in multiphase flow, and as executive director of Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects. He received a B.S. in Mechanical engineering from Texas A&M University in Kingsville, Texas, an MS. and Ph.D., from the University of Houston, both in Mechanical Engineering.
