This Tip of the Month discusses and compares thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors. Learn what determines the inhibitors' hydrate suppression performance, and which one to choose for your inhibition needs! [Keep reading]
Our Blog
Geology is a science that brings virtually every other scientific discipline to bear in its application, whether it is the sorting out of geologic events and processes or the exploration for important raw materials, such as oil and gas. This article gives an overview of the major factors and techniques involved in petroleum exploration. [Keep reading]
This tip reviews several options for reducing the compression power requirement for a mechanical refrigeration plant with mono ethylene glycol (MEG) injection for hydrocarbon dewpoint (HCDP) control. [Keep reading]
An In-Plant Review of the APCI C3/MR Propane Pre-Cooling Process. This Tip of the Month is part two of the "Introduction into the APCI C3/SMR LNG Liquefaction Process" series. [Keep reading]
The “biggest” Brownfield project challenge is fully understanding the existing condition of the facility where the project will be installed. This article addresses techniques that a project engineer can utilize to mitigate surprises and ultimately, manage scope changes. [Keep reading]
Have you ever wondered why your process facility has the process unit operations it does or what is the difference between gas conditioning and gas processing? Read our Tip of the Month to find out! [Keep reading]